477 Program Provides Support for Career Services — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

477 Program Provides Support for Career Services

The Work Force Investment Opportunities Act (WIOA) at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is providing a wide range of services to support tribal members that are unemployed or underemployed prepare for a career change. With record unemployment and extended unemployment assistance from the state, now is actually a great time to build your skill set for a new career and WIOA has the support to make it happen.

Marnell Cash, WIOA Program Manager, sees opportunity within the ongoing pandemic and unemployment. “I’m working daily with tribal members that looking to make step forward in a new career,” said Marnell. “Tribal Members are enrolling in career service programs, college classes and union trades at a record number. What we do is help open the door to those programs and ensure they have funding to bridge any gaps before they receive their first pay check.”

The WIOA Department assists with enrolling Tribal members and other federally recognized Tribal members into training programs that will create, foster, and enhance marketable work skills.  In addition, the WIOA Department assists adults obtaining basic educational skills and instruction through GED preparation.  Simply put, if a Tribal member is without a GED, obtaining this important credential is a top priority.

WIOA can assist with a wide range of support services for tribal members interested in a career. Support can be used for vocational training, work experience training and on the job training. In addition, often training programs can create stress as tribal members still have day-to-day financial responsibilities. Support may be extended to child care assistance, transportation, career equipment, rent and utilities among other needs.

Tribal members may qualify for up to $3,000 in support services every 24 months. Tribal members that are unemployed qualify for these services.

For additional information, please contact Marnell Cash at 508-477-0208 ext. 161 or at Marnell.cash@mwtribe-NSN.gov.
