January Mittark

Meet the Candidates Forum January 18th, 2025

The Election Committee is excited to announce the Candidate Forum, which will be held on Saturday, January18th, 2025, from 1 PM to 4 PM at the Community and Government Center.

This forum is an opportunity for Candidates to present their platforms and for Tribal Members to ask well- thought-out, concise, and pertinent questions relating strictly to the individual’s candidacy. Each candidate will be allowed 3 minutes for their presentation; the election committee will be responsible for keeping the time.

Tribal members will be provided index cards at the entrance table to write their questions for the candidates. The Election Committee will then collect the questions and give them to the moderator to read aloud. Candidates will then have 60 seconds to respond. Each candidate will then have three minutes for a closing statement.

This forum is not a debate between candidates but rather a discussion. No candidate will be allowed to directly address any other candidate. Respectful conduct is required.

On behalf of the Election committee, we wish the candidates luck, and we hope to see you all there!


Election Monitors Needed

The election committee is seeking Tribal Members who want to volunteer as election monitors. Monitors must be available and committed to assist in running the election. If you are interested, please contact Kimberly Frye at Kim.frye16@gmail.com or 508-274-6325.                    


Wunee Keesuq Tribal Community,

I’m happy to share with our community and friends that we have started a project to beautify our reservation lands in Taunton. The clean-up and landscaping project will improve the overall safety conditions in the area and remove years of illegal dumping. While we did not contribute to the waste on our lands, we will once again step up as the original stewards to improve the health of the land and the water.

In conjunction with the beautification project, we will also open a new Welcome Center on our lands in Taunton. This project is something everyone - City of Taunton, residents and Tribal citizens - have asked for. It’s a place to learn about our history, connect with our culture, and see what’s next for our reservation. 


Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark

List of Committee and Board Seat Openings