Current Press About the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Yesterday, a tribal Matriarch and Spiritual Leader began her journey to the spirit world to be reunited with our ancestors.
To allow the community time to gather and mourn respectfully, the Community and Government Center will be closed today, Monday, March 3rd. She touched every family of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and was a person leaned on for cultural and spiritual strength. Please keep our community in your thoughts and prayers as we honor her unique place in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.
Nominations: Sunday, March 9th
Voting: Sunday, April 13th
I wanted to inform you all about the important Tribal Council appointment that took place during our regularly scheduled Tribal Council Meeting on February 12th, 2025. A seat was left vacant after the 2025 General Election where Councilwoman Graham was elected to serve as Vice Chairwoman of the Tribe. Given this vacancy, the Tribal Council filled the vacancy for the Tribal Council seat pursuant to Article VIII Section(4)(a)(1) of the Constitution.
579 ballots were cast in the 2025 General Election on Sunday, February 9th, 2025. The official election results are as follows:
To anyone who has or will be taking an election packet, the Election Committee would like to inform you that there was incorrect information given out in the initial 2025 Election Packets.
Pursuant to 2016-ORD-014, the Amended and Restated Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Election Ordinance , Sec 3 (F) : The Candidates packets and certificates of attendance shall be filed with the election committee no later than 2 p.m (ET) on the Second Sunday of January.