Emergency Management Department


About Covid-19

We all have a responsibility to ensure that we are doing our part to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within our tribal community, so that we are ultimately able to protect our elders and most vulnerable members. That is why it is so critically important to wear masks, to not gather in large group settings or congregate in gathering areas, practice social distancing, practice good hand hygiene and to quarantine or isolate when it is required. 

This is all in an effort to help ensure that we remain healthy and do not have a surge of covid cases within our tribal community.  This virus does not discriminate on race, gender or age, it can impact both children and adults.

Let’s all do our part and take this virus very seriously so that our community remains safe during this pandemic and we are all able to get through these times together, healthy and safe for our current and future generations.


New Text Illness Monitoring System

In our continued efforts to identify and stop the spread of COVID-19, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Emergency Management Department has implemented a system known as the Text Illness Monitoring System (TIMs2) for the Tribal Community.

This is an effective cell phone text messaging system that has been used for many years to control the spread of disease such as Tuberculosis.

Once enrolled you will receive a daily text message inquiring about any symptoms relative to COVID-19. It is a “YES” or “NO” response system. If you reply “YES”, you will be contacted by the Mashpee Wampanoag Health Service Unit (IHS) for possible testing.

To enroll in this important system, text the number (877)-462-9617.  Next, type in “JOIN” and send text.  You will be asked to enter your name.

Once complete, you will begin receiving daily messages.

For questions or more information call Lesley McKeen at (508)-539-6917

Participants under the age of eighteen can be enrolled under the name of the parent or guardian.


Frequently Asked COVID Questions

Does my negative test result mean I don’t have to be in quarantine anymore?
No, a negative result could mean that you do not have the virus but it is also possible that you may get a false negative (meaning that you do have the virus) .  A negative test result can happen if the amount of virus in the sample is too low for the test to detect. This is more likely to happen early on in the illness with COVID-19.

That is why anyone who has been in contact with a positive case should be in quarantine for 14 days from the date of contact with a positive patient.

If I don’t have symptoms can I spread the virus?

Can children get this virus?

Why is my work saying I don’t need to be on quarantine?
Different job sites have different policies but current CDC guidelines recommend that anyone who has come into contact with a positive case be in quarantine for 14 days from the contact with a positive case.

What is a home quarantine?
A home quarantine is when your health care provider or public health official tells you and your family to stay home and limit contact with people outside of your household. It’s for people who either are known to have COVID-19 or have been exposed.

What counts as close contact?

  • You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes

  • You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19

  • You had direct physical contact with the person (touched, hugged, or kissed them)

  • You shared eating or drinking utensils

  • They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you

What should close contacts do?
Close contacts should:

  • Immediately self-quarantine for 14 days from the last exposure and monitor your health.  Self-quarantine means staying home or in isolation quarters, monitoring yourself for illness, and maintaining social distancing (at least 6 feet from others at all times, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19).

  • Watch for symptoms such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea. Seek medical care if symptoms become severe.

  • Go and get tested at Indian Health Service (IHS) clinic 508-539-2561 or another healthcare provider. Testing Site Locator HERE

For those who need COVID-19 related assistance with food, personal protective equipment (PPE), or other needs while in quarantine for COVID-19, contact the Emergency Management Department at 508-477-0208 Ext. 103.


2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins

THE START OF Hurricane Season is a Reminder to Prepare

MASHPEE – June 1 marks the start of the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which extends through November 30.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) seasonal outlook predicts another active, above-normal, Atlantic hurricane season – the seventh consecutive above-normal hurricane season.  According to the National Hurricane Center, last year was the third most active year on record with 21 named storms.

“Previous storms and past experience have shown us that only one storm can severely impact an entire region.  Hurricanes can produce significantly severe weather including storm surge flooding and damaging winds which could potentially lead to long term power outages.  Now is the time for everyone to prepare for hurricane season.” – MWT Emergency Management (MWTEMD) Director Nelson Andrews Jr

“Throughout hurricane season, MWTEMD will continue to plan with our federal, county, tribal and state partners, provide preparedness resources, and ensure that our tribe is ready to respond to any storms that may threaten us.”


Hurricane Preparation and Evacuation Guidelines

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is located in a coastal community of eastern, MA and is susceptible to coastal flooding and potential evacuations. Contact your emergency management officials to learn about the risks of coastal flooding in your community and neighborhood. Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Emergency Management Department (MWTEMD); EM Director; nelson.andrewsjr@mwtribe-nsn.gov (508) 477-0208 Ext 103 EM Assistant; Allyssa.hathaway@mwtribe-nsn.gov (508) 477-0208 Ext 103

How Northeast Residents Can Prepare:

  • Know Your Evacuation Zone - Learn if you live or work in a hurricane evacuation zone: www.mass.gov/knowyourzone. If you live in an area that may flood and may need assistance evacuating, plan with family, neighbors, and friends who may be able to assist, and contact your local public safety officials to make them aware of your needs.

  • Make an Emergency Plan – Have an emergency plan of how your family would communicate, evacuate, and shelter in place that addresses the needs of all of your family members, including seniors, children, individuals with access and functional needs, and pets: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/make-a-family-emergency-plan. If you receive medical treatment or home health care services, work with your medical provider to determine how to maintain care and service if you are unable to leave your home or have to evacuate.

  • Build an Emergency Kit - Build an emergency kit that will sustain your household for three to five days without power: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/build-an-emergency-kit.

  • Stay Informed - Every family should have multiple methods for receiving emergency alerts. Learn more about different types of alerting and information tools including the Emergency Alert System, Wireless Emergency Alerts, NOAA Weather Radio, social and traditional news media, Mass 2-1-1 and local notification systems: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/be-informed-and-receive-emergency-alerts.

Throughout hurricane season, MWTEMD will share preparedness and safety information to help tribal members be aware of, and prepare for, the impacts of hurricanes and tropical storms. For more information, visit the Hurricane Safety Tips section of link https://www.mass.gov/mema/hurricanes.


MWTEMD Hurricane Season Preparedness Activities

In anticipation of the 2022 hurricane season, MWTEMD has begun hurricane preparedness activities which will continue throughout the season:

  • MWTEMD will convene meetings with Tribal Emergency Response Task Force (TERTF) members as well as state, county, federal partners and contractors to update plans on; distribution of critical commodities, communications, debris management, electricity and utility restoration, evacuations, fuel supplies and distribution, sheltering, mass feeding, impact assessments, search and rescue, and operation of logistics support areas.

For information on your designated hurricane evacuation zone, use the interactive Know Your Evacuation Zone map. If you live or work in designated evacuation zone you should be prepared to evacuate before a hurricane or tropical storm makes landfall.

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe AmeriCorps Program

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Public Health AmeriCorps Program is now recruiting for the 2022 program year.  The 2022 program is a new program and is open to six tribal members over the age of 18 and one tribal member that will serve as a team leader. Applications are being accepted now through June 30 with an expected start date of mid-July.

AmeriCorps provides you with valuable life experience and skill development while you serve on a team, earn money for college, and help your Tribal community while receiving a weekly pay stipend!

You will perform direct, hands-on service in the areas of public health. You’ll also undergo various trainings throughout the course of your service to prepare you for the adventure ahead and to learn new skillsets along the way. Learn and grow with a team of your peers and build lasting connections!

MWT AmeriCorps Members:

·       Commit to 1,700 hours, 10 months of service to our Tribal Community

·       Receive a weekly stipend living allowance

·       Earn a Segal Education Award of $6,195 upon successful completion of the service year

·       Travel to trainings, educational institutions and potential disaster deployments

·       Training, Professional development and life skills enhancement

·       Accepting applications now through June 30

 2022 Requirements:

·       18 years old

·       Driver’s license or own reliable transportation

·       Must pass criminal history, NSPOW and Federal background check’s

·       Enrolled Tribal Member

·       Must be able to serve M-F 830AM - 430PM with some additional weekends and evenings

·       Must be able to commit to 10 Months of service

·       Must be a self-motivated team player with a positive attitude

To submit an application for the program please follow link My AmeriCorps - Home Page

For additional information on how you can serve and how to apply please contact the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Emergency Management Department for more information at:

Email: Nelson.Andrews@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: 508-477-5800 ext. 15
Email: Allyssa.Hathaway@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: 508-477-5800 Ext. 13

our mission

MWT Emergency Management Department mission is to support our Tribal citizens to ensure that as a Sovereign Nation we work together to make all reasonable efforts to prevent and mitigate against all hazards, prepare for and respond to emergencies, and initiate recovery activities on our own, whenever possible.


MWTEMD is the Tribes department charged with ensuring the tribe is prepared to withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of emergencies and disasters, including natural hazards, accidents, deliberate attacks, and technological and infrastructure failures. MWTEMD's staff consists of experienced professional planning, communications, logistics and operations staff that are committed to an all hazards approach to emergency management. By building and sustaining effective partnerships with federal, tribal, state and local government agencies – MWTEMD ensures the Tribe’s ability to rapidly recover from large and small disasters by assessing and mitigating threats and hazards, enhancing preparedness, ensuring effective response, and strengthening our capacity to rebuild and recover. For additional information about MWTEMD and Emergency Preparedness, go to https://mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/emergency-preparedness

Department contacts


Nelson Andrews Jr – Emergency Management Department Director

Email: Nelson.Andrews@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Cell: 774 327-8367


Allyssa Hathaway – Emergency Management Specialist

Email: Allyssa.Hathaway@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Cell: (508) 681-9754

Social Media                                     
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mwteprep
Twitter: @MWTEmergPrep


Continue to follow Emergency Management updates on

Twitter at  http://www.twitter.com/MWTEmergPrep
Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/mwteprepep


Continue to follow MEMA updates on

Twitter at www.twitter.com/MassEMA
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mwteprep/
YouTube at www.youtube.com/MassachusettsEMA

Massachusetts Alerts: to receive emergency information on your smartphone, including severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service and emergency information from MEMA, download the Massachusetts Alerts free app. To learn more about MassAlerts, and for information on how to download the free app onto your smartphone, visit: www.mass.gov/mema/mobileapp