Tribal Court Library — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Tribal Court Library


Native American Law

Federal Indian Law- Getches, Wilkinson, Williams, Fletcher 6th Ed. West
Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law- 2009 Supplement Lexis
A Practical Guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act- The Native American Rights Fund
American Indian Sovereignty and Law- Davies and Clow
Native Land Law- 2012 Lawyer's Ed. West
Indian Gaming and Tribal Sovereignty- Light and Rand
Navajo Courts and Navajo Common Law- Austin
The Rights of Indians and Tribes- Pevar 4th Ed. Oxford
American Indian Tribal Law- Fletcher West
Mashantucket Pequot Reports: Court of Appeals- West
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Laws Annotated, 2008 West
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court Office Policies and Procedures Manual
National Directory of Tribal Justice Systems
American Indian Law in a Nutshell- Canby 5th Ed. West

Native American Culture and the Law

Handbook of American Indian Religious Freedom- Vecsey
Indian Law Stories- Goldberg, Washburn, and Frickey
Uneven Ground- Wilkens and Lomawaima
Tribal Policing- Luna-Firebaugh
Death and Violence on the Reservation- Bachman
Tribal Criminal Law and Procedure- Garrow and Deer
Indian Civil Rights Act at Forty- UCLA American Indian Studies Center
Cash, Color, and Colonialism- Cramer
Religion, Law, and the Land- Brown
Indigenous Peoples and the Modern State
American Indians and the Law
Restitution: The land claims of the Mashpee, Passamaquo, Penobscot Indians of New England- Brodeur
The State of Native Nations A Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development
Pathways to Justice
First Peoples- Calloway 4th Ed. Bedford St. Martin
Our People, Our Journey- McClurken
Sharing Our Stories of Survival- Deer, et. al
Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies- Richland and Deer 2nd Ed.

Federal Resources

Federal Civil Judicial Procedures and Rules- 2009 Rev West
Federal Trial Handbook: Civil Hunter- 2012
Civil Actions Against State and Local Government- 2nd West
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation- 18th Ed.
Federal Rules of Evidence in a Nutshell- Graham 7th Ed.
Robert's Rules of Order- Robert, Honemann, Balch 11th Ed.
Federal Election Campaign Laws Federal Election Commission
Webster's II New College Dictionary- Houghton Mifflin
Law Dictionary- Gifis 2nd Ed. Barrows
Code of Federal Regulations: Federal Elections 2000
Constitutional Law- Chemerinsky 4th Ed. Wolters Kuwen
Civil Actions Against the United States- West
Trial Objections Handbook- West
Federal Courts- 17th Ed. West
Hearsay Handbook- 4th Ed. 2011-2012 West
Attorney Client Privilege in the United States- Rice 2012 West
Federal Civil Rules Handbook- Baicker, McKee, Jannsen, Corr 2013 West
Federal Practice and Procedure- Wright and Cane 2nd Ed.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rules and Commentary- Gensler 2011 West
Motions in Federal Court- 3rd Ed. West
Plain English for Lawyers- Wydick

State Resources

Massachusetts Rules of Court: Federal 1999, 2006, 2007- West
Massachusetts Practice Mediation and Arbitration 2000- West
Massachusetts Courts, Maps, and Judges 1999, 2003, 2004
Massachusetts Rules of Court- State 1997, 1999- West


Mediation: Law, Policy, and Practice- 2012-2013 Ed. West
Alternative Dispute Resolution- Grenig 3rd Ed.


Strategic Indicators for Higher Education- Taylor, Megerson, Massy Peterson's
Domestic Violence Cases in Criminal Court- California Judges Benchbook