Police Department

“CALL 911 for Emergencies: Police, Medical or Fire Response”

On-Duty PD Officer Contact: 774-363-9799

Fax: 508-477-1218


Department Contact

Kevin Michael Frye, Sr., - Chief of Police

Email: kevin.frye@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: 774-327-8008

Curtis W. Frye, III - Captain 

Email: curtis.frye@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: 774-327-8006

Teddy J. Hendricks - Sergeant 

Email: teddy.hendricks@mwtribe-nsn.gov
Phone: 774-363-9799

Alisha Crosby - Sergeant 

Email: alisha.crosby@mwtribe-nsn.gov
Phone: 774-560-8266

Anonymous Tip Form

View the form below to sumbit an anonymous tip regarding criminal activity.

Safe Drug Disposal...Keeping Our Community Safe

Did you know that you can dispose of your medications safely and confidentially in the drug drop box located in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center. The drop box is located outside the elders office on the ground floor.


4 Disposal Options

  1. Dispose of your meds at the Mashpee Wampnoag Tribe drug drop box in the Community and Government Center

  2. Use the Mashpee Police Station Kiosk, open 24 hours per day

  3. Ask your local pharmacy about mail-back programs

  4. Drop meds off at the Cape Cod Hospital pharmacy kiosk