Students at the Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado during the April Vacation college tours.
Over April Vacation the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Education Department Career Pathways for Tribal Youth wrapped up the series of college tours with a visit to several schools in the New Mexico region. The complete program which ran from February through April took interested high school students and their parents to schools across New England, Colorado and New Mexico.
The final trip over April Vacation included the Native Colleges Fort Lewis in Durango, Colorado; the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico; the University of New Mexico; and the Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In addition to college tours they also spent two days exploring the natural and cultural history of the area with Shawn Spruce from First Nations Development Institute.
Other colleges visited during the program included Tufts University and Stonehill College.
The college tours were funded in part by the NYCP Building Pathways for Tribal Youth Program and grant funding. For more information about the program, please contact John Hanlon at 508-237-0041, or Cameron Greendeer at 508-477-0208, in the Education Department