Vendor applications for the 97th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow are now available online at www.mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/powwow-2018. The online forms include a craft vendor application and a food vendor application along with a powwow vendor waiver form.
The 97th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow will be returning home; dancers, drummers, vendors and visitors will once again enjoy powwow on tribal lands. The annual powwow will be held July, 6, 7 and 8 at the traditional Powwow Grounds located next to the Community and Government Center at 483 Great Neck Road South in Mashpee.
With the Powwow returning to tribal lands, it was only fitting that this year’s Powwow Committee landed on “A Traditional Homecoming” as the theme. It’s truly special to return the powwow to traditional lands and an appropriate theme for the powwow homecoming.
The 2018 Powwow Committee includes Chairwoman Joanne Frye, Vice Chair Brian Weeden, Co-Treasurer Danna Floyd, Co-Treasurer Clayton Oakley-Robbins, Secretary Cassie Jackson and committee members Eleanor Coombs, Delscena Hicks, Winona Hendricks, Denise Costa, Gertrude Kitty Miller and Marcy Hendricks. The Committee also includes tribal council co-liasons Winona Pocknett and Winnie Graham.