Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Membership Portal

Tribal Administration has created a secure site for tribal citizens to quickly access documents, forms, and news that previously was only available upon request or to those that attend General Membership and Tribal Council Meetings. Tribal citizens are required to keep this information confidential.


Tribal Records

Tribal Resolutions









Executive Branch of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Chief | Medicine Man | Chairman | Vice Chairman | Secretary | Treasurer | (7) Councilors at Large

Tribal Constitution


Judicial Branch of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Chief Judge | Tribal court staff


Committees, Commissions & Letter of Interest Form

Community Development Corporation
Councilman Nelson Andrews, Jr.
(Co-Shareholder Representatives)
Meetings Held Tuesdays | 5:30-7:30p.m.

Education Committee
Vice Chairman Carlton Hendricks Jr.
Councilman Nelson Andrews Jr.

Elders Committee
Vice Chairman Hendricks Jr.
Meetings Held Saturdays

Election Committee
Councilman Domingo Tiexeira

Enrollment Committee
Meetings Held Tuesdays

Ethics Committee

Elders Judiciary
Councilwoman Johnson-Graham
Meetings Held Fridays

Councilman David Weeden
Councilman Tiexeira
Meetings Held 1st and 3rd Thursdays

Councilwoman Johnson-Graham

Land Use Committee 
Councilman David Weeden

Councilwoman Winona Pocknett

Councilman David Weeden

Natural Resources Commission
Vice Chairman Hendricks
Meetings Held 6:30p.m. at the R&G Club

Old Indian Cemetery Commission

Old Indian Meeting House
Councilwoman Roxanne Mills Brown

Powwow Committee
Councilman David Weeden
Councilwoman Roxanne Mills Brown

Public Safety
Councilwoman Winona Pocknett
Treasurer Charles Foster

Councilman Domingo Tiexeira

Tribal Broadband Taskforce
Councilman David Weeden

Tribal Health
(To include TCC)
Councilman Domingo Tiexeira

Tribal Historic Preservation
Vice Chairman Carlton Hendricks Jr.

Wampanoag Language
Councilwoman Nitana Hicks Greendeer

Youth Advisory
Councilwoman Nitana Hicks Greendeer

Youth Council
Councilman Nelson Andrews Jr.

Youth Cultural
Councilman David Weeden


Interested in joining a committee or commission? Please complete the Letter of Interest from and submit it to Secretary Landry for Tribal Council’s consideration.


Misc Forms and Eagle Feather Orders

Ordering Eagle Parts and Feathers from the National Eagle Repository

W-9 Tax Forms

Verification of Indian Preference for Employment

103rd Annual Powwow Pictures

To view the full photo gallery from the 103rd Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow please click here. If you would like a high resolution copy of specific photos, please contact