June 2018 Mittark
Mashpee Selectmen Support Legislation Protecting Wampanoag Land Rights

The Board of Selectmen is formally backing federal legislation that aims to end an ongoing legal challenge to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s reservation, saying legal counsel for both governments have agreed to a town-proposed amendment to the bill.
Last month, the board announced its support of the bill, which was introduced in March by U.S. Rep. William Keating, D-Mass., that seeks to reaffirm a 2015 decision by the U.S Department of Interior to take 171 acres in Mashpee and 150 acres in Taunton of tribal reservation land into trust. The legislation would also create statutory safeguards to bar future litigation on the matter in federal court. U.S. Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., has introduced the same bill in the Senate.
Chairman's Column

Greetings Tribal Family,
There’s been a tremendous amount of great work that’s taken place at our Tribal Community and Government Center over the past few weeks. I’d like to highlight a few of them in my column that stood out for various reasons.
Last month we made great progress with the Town of Mashpee to further strengthen our government-to-government relationship. Also, our Powwow Committee has been working tirelessly to organize the traditional home coming of our powwow. Our Housing Department is now accepting housing applications for the initial...
Apply Today for Housing in the Meetinghouse Road Housing Development

The Housing Department is accepting application for the Meetinghouse Road housing development.
The first phase of the housing development consists of 42 units:
- 8 elder duplex homes (16 units) 2 bedroom/2 bath
- 13 Cape Cod single-family homes – 3 2 bedroom/2 bath and 10 3 bedroom/2 bath
- 13 ranch style family homes – 3 bedroom/2bath
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
Come celebrate the Chief’s 96th birthday on June 16 at 1:00 p.m. at “55 Acres” on Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Grounds 483 Great Neck Road South. It’s a potluck event and all are welcome with our without a dish. You being there is the best gift you can give him.
The 97th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow will be returning home; dancers, drummers, vendors and visitors will once again enjoy powwow on tribal lands. The annual powwow will be held July, 6, 7 and 8 at the traditional Powwow Grounds located next to the Community and Government Center at 483 Great Neck Road South in Mashpee.
Vendor applications for the 97th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Powwow are now available online at www.mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/powwow-2018. The online forms include a craft vendor application and a food vendor application along with a powwow vendor waiver form.
Talk about making an elder ill to the core, the Town of Mashpee Selectman did a good job making many of us sick with their greedy tactics on the Mashpee Wampanoag Indigenous people who inherently have a right to this land. Yet you want us to just give it all to you to put more fences up , build larger complexes so there will no spaces for our relatives today or future generations. Our leaders have worked with you faithfully with decisions made and agreed upon by both governments. Now you want to open old wounds regarding the rights of our people. Since colonization we have endured repeated law violations regarding land, fishing rights, ancient paths, rivers, lakes and with indigenous spirituality unaccepted. Your elected Town Officials. It’s very apparent you’re hearts have never been in the right place to accept who we are, our values , beliefs, and concerns about the preservation of Mashpee. You don’t care about preserving Mother Earth and her resources that gives us all energy for life.
At the May 20, 2018 General Membership Meeting the annual balanced budget of the Tribal operations was approved with a total vote count of 83 with 46 "yes" votes and 37 "no" votes. Tribal Members present were able to cast a vote between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 20.
Please join us in welcoming Teresa Stevens to the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Health Services. Teresa is the new Dental Assistant in the Dental Clinic.
Are you interested in starting or continuing your career in the construction trades? The Mashpee Wampnoag Tribe Employment and Training Department is making transportation arrangements for tribal citizens interested in applying to join the Taunton Laborer's Union. The Laborer's Union will be accepting applications on June 12. If you need assistance, please contact the Employment and Training Program Manager Marnell Cash at (508) 477-0208 ext 161.
The Enrollment Department will be open for Tribal ID’s on Monday and Tuesday, July 2nd and 3rd.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Emergency Management Department encourages our Tribal community to make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could impact our area. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find. Please reach out to the Emergency Management Department for assistance with putting together your family emergency plan, see steps below with Questions and Answers to assist in the process.
The frequency of active shooter incidents has increased in recent years, and these incidents have affected numerous places where citizens congregate, such as schools, workplaces, places of worship, shopping malls, public meetings, and movie theaters. Unfortunately, these events highlight the need to reduce the risk of active shooter incidents while improving preparedness and strengthening ongoing efforts intended to prevent future occurrences.
CCDF is looking for 14-19 year old Mentors for our Tribal babies in our CCDF Program
Pre-school (2.9)-13 years
Kick off in September
Must commit to at least 6 months
A minimum of 10 hours a month
Mentoring would include: cultural and sporting activities, going to the park, craft night, attending field trips, etc.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Community Development Corporation (MWCDC) will host a community meeting on Sunday, June 10 at 2:00 p.m. at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center in Mashpee. During the community meeting the MWCDC will provide an update on the Utility Corporation and several other Limited Liability Corporations that the Board is currently exploring.
Save the date for a clam boil at the Mashpee Wampanoag Rod & Gun Club on Saturday, June 9, 2018. The club opens at 2 PM with dinner being served from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The club is located at 215 South Sandwich Road – Mashpee. Tickets are $18.00.
We’re looking for volunteer to help build and prepare the ground and set up these High Tunnel greenhouse which was donated from the Natural Resources that will give a longer growing period, which will benefit the tribal member along with the Community’s involvement in this community project, Donald Peters and Chuckie Green will oversee this part of the project. We would like to meet with Volunteer on July 14, 2018 10 A.M at the Mashpee Wampanoag Government Center to form a construction committee team to plan the implementation of these High Tunnel that would supply the community and Lunch & Learn, Food Pantry, with some fresh vegetable. Please come and join us to help the community food project come to light.
As required by the Code of Federal Regulations, 25 CFR 170.421 and 170.422, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is required to identify and publish all Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) funded projects and activities that are expected to be carried out over the next four years as well as the projected costs.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Education Department have organized a fun day of fishing, clamming and crabbing for Wampanoag youth 14 to 18 years old. The day of fishing will be held on Saturday, June 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a feast at the Farm.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Education Department will be hosting a Movie Night and BBQ at the Farm located at 213 Sampson’s Mill Road in Mashpee on Friday, June 29. The feature film will be the blockbuster hit Black Panther (rated PG 13). You can also enter to win an inflatable kayak.
The Old Indian Meeting House Committee would like to share their thanks to all of the Elders that participated and donated food for the annual New Year’s Celebration held on May 5, 2018.
They would also like to extend great thanks to Jason Steiding, and his staff, Kevin Hicks, Greg Joseph and Ricky Hendricks of the Public Works Dept., for making the OIMH and Cemetery look good
Native youth in 6-8th grade are invited to attend the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Natural Resources and Education Departments Summer Youth Environmental Science Camp being held July 16 to August 2. The Native Youth in Science Preserving Our Homeland camp will be held Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Talia Landry and Jared Taylor Welcomed their Baby Girl, Taylani-Moon Diane Taylor on January 25, 2018, at 6 pounds and 9.5 ounces. Also welcoming Taylani-moon as First time grandparents are Diane Johnson-Landry and David Landry and Grandparents Lisa and Jumper Taylor. Taylani-Moon is the Great Granddaughter of Donna Johnson.
The Education Department is compiling a database of tribal members that have graduated from college. The goal is to begin connecting college alumni with high school students. In the very near future the Education Department will host a College Alumni Dinner for our high school students to meet-greet-chat-and-dine with college alumni.
Are you a recent high school graduate? If you are, please let the Mashpee Wampanoag Education Department know where you recently graduated from and your future plan. Please complete a short form at www.mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/graduates. You may also email Gail Hill at gail.hill@mwtribe-nsn.gov or call her at (508) 477-0208 ext. 178 and let her know where you attended High School and your future plans along with your contact information. The Education Department would like to stay in touch and celebrate your accomplishments later this summer!
The Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project recently received a donation to help expand the offerings at its language immersion school.
Granite Telecommunications and the Yale Club of Cape Cod donated $5,125 to the school operated by the WLRP and the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe since 2016.
Congratulations to Christine Overton the Mashpee Wampanoag Family Dental Clinic March Incentive Prize Winner. Each month one lucky patient of the clinic is chosen at random as the winner and is able to select a prize. Prizes include items such as an electric toothbrush, a water pick or a dental care package.
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe currently has open seats, including three (3) 2 year terms and one (1) 3 year term on its Enrollment Committee. One of the most important responsibilities of the Enrollment Committee is to review enrollment applications. Please visit the Tribal website at https://mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/enrollment to review the Enrollment Ordinance.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is looking for tribal members to serve on the Land Planning and Use Committee. This committee’s duties will consist of land use planning and land acquisition recommendations. The committee will consist of nine tribal members who will serve in two-year staggered terms. If you are interested in serving on the Land Planning and Use Committee, please send a letter of interest along with your resume/CV to Francie Dottin, executive administrative assistant to the chairman, francie.dottin@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The The Election Committee is looking for a dedicated tribal member to assist with the election process. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a letter of interest to Francie Dottin, executive administrative assistant to the chairman, at frances.dottin@mwtribe-NSN.gov
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe currently has an open seat on its Housing Commission. The Housing Commission is tasked with policy-level goals, determinations and policy review that guide the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Housing Department.