February Mittark

13 Certified Candidates in the 2025 General Election
Thirteen Candidates have been certified and are running in the 2025 General Election. The candidates and the position they are running for are as follows:
Charles “Bobby” Foster (i)
Fenton N Soliz
Aaron Tobey Jr.
Council Seat
Donald Peters
David Weeden (i)
Nelson John Andrews Jr.
Brian Weeden (i)
Vice Chairperson
Edwina “Winnie” Johnson-Graham
Robyn Tobey
Carlton Hendricks Jr. (i)
Talia Landry
Michelle “Shellie” Tobey
Cassie Jackson (i)
Opening the First Light Welcome Center
Last month was an exciting time for our Tribe as we opened the doors to our First Light Welcome Center! This new Welcome Center is just the first of a series of steps in the First Light resort and entertainment project. We are continuing to exercise our tribal sovereignty as our ancestors have before us, and want to thank all who have helped make this moment possible. Tribal members are invited to come and visit the center during operating hours.
Hours of Operation
Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
O’Connell Way, East Taunton, MA 02718

Last month, we sent out a Tribal Communications survey to help assess how the community feels about the current communication you are receiving, and the ways we can improve to ensure you all are getting all the important information you need. The results we’ve gotten so far have been very helpful, and we want to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey.
97% of participants stated that they are receiving frequent communication from the tribe, which is good to see. When breaking that down, the top three most used methods of communication were the Online Mittark (70%), Print Mittark (63%), and E-blasts (59%).
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
Candidates have been invited to submit a biography of 250 words or less, along with a headshot, to be featured on the Election page of the tribal website. To view those biographies, and get to know more about each of the candidates, please visit mashpeewampanoagtribe-nsn.gov/2025-mwt-election.
A list of currently registered voters is posted at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Community & Government Center. Voter Registration: The Voter Registration Form is available at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Community & Government Center, located at 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649, during regular business hours. All enrolled and eligible Tribal members may register to vote on or before Election Day.
To tribal members waiting to get an ID we are still working on fixing the Enrollment database due to the cyberattack last spring. If you need a Tribal Enrollment Certification letter sent to you, please call the Enrollment department at 508-477-0208 x 173.
The election committee is looking for tribal members who would like to volunteer as election monitors. Monitors must be available and committed to assist in running the election. If you are interested please reach out to Kimberly frye at Kim.frye16@gmail.com or 508-274-6325.
Want to learn how to make Elderberry Syrup? A class instructed by Marcy Hendricks will be held on Thursday, February 6th from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM at the Community and Government Center. This class is intended for tribal families, and participants must register in advance.
At the General Body Meeting on January 12th, Tribal Members submitted nominations for who they feel should be on the Ethics Commission. Now, those nominated have until Sunday, March 9th to submit their Letter of Interest and the reasons they feel they should be elected to the commission.
There is currently one open seat on the Elders Judiciary Committee. All interested tribal members must submit the Letter of Interest form found here for tribal council consideration. For more information on the committee, please contact Tribal.Court@mwtribe-nsn.gov .
The Town of Mashpee is working with the Harbor Management Committee, the Urban Harbors Institute at UMass Boston, and Woods Hole Group to develop a state-approved harbor management plan to guide activities on or impacting the town’s coastal areas and resources. As part of the planning process, the Town is seeking input to help further guide the development of the draft plan.
The Fine Arts Work Center (FAWC) is offering a number of scholarships designated for Wampanoag artists and writers for workshops taking place during their Summer Workshop Program. They are presenting 64 week-long creative writing and visual arts workshops over 9 weeks between mid-June and mid-August. You can see the whole line-up of workshops by clicking here: https://fawc.org/summer-workshops/.
Harvard Law School's Native Law Students Association (NALSA) would like to formally invite the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and tribal members to the upcoming 2025 HLS Indian Law Symposium: "De-Othering Indian Law: Indigenous Topics as Canon Legal Doctrine."
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and placement is offered to children who are developmentally ready on a first come, first served basis.
The tribe has teamed up with the Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and Islands to do a Health Insurance Enrollment at the Community and Government Center once a month. There will be trained navigators to assist tribal members in one-on-one meetings with applying, shopping and enrolling in a health insurance program.
For information about more scholarships that you may qualify for, please visit the Education Department Website.
This Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Sensor Systems Program is open to tribal youth in grades 7-11 who want to learn about combining sensor technology with TEK to better understand the environment around us!
The Elders Travel Club will be having breakfast for sale at the Community and Government Center beginning at 9:00 AM. Breakfast is $10 and includes: ham, sausage, pancakes, eggs, hash, baked beans, muffin, toast, juice, and coffee. All tribal families are welcome to attend. All proceeds support the Elders Travel Club.
Xavier John Hendricks “Red Wolf” completed two separate trainings over the past year where he gained skills and knowledge in green energy, HVAC, electrical, and general construction. Xavier is that youngest son of Little Larry Hendricks and Jody Santagate of Wareham and the Great grandson of Francis Cash Hendricks.
The Powwow Committee would like to inform the community that they will continue meeting again more regularly starting on Tuesday, January 14th, at 7:00 PM. They are actively seeking new members to join the committee for the up coming year!
The Weetumuw School is hosting a winter potluck social on Friday, February 14th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Community and Government Center. Please come out to support the Weetumuw School! For more information please contact nitana.greendeer@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
A Winter Potluck Social is taking place on Saturday, February 8th from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Camp Hayward in Sandwich, MA. Community members are welcome to attend and enjoy good food, singing, dancing, and raffles. For more information, please contact Trish Keliinui at 508-360-2580.
Mae Alice Baird is currently studying pre-law at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and was recently appointed as a director-level officer for the Gamma Delta Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority!
We would like to dedicate this space to personally thank the donors who made the 2024 Elders Christmas Party possible. We appreciate your generous contributions.
The Association to Preserve Cape Cod will use more than $2.5 million in grant funds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to improve fish passage and reclaim a disused cranberry bog. The grant funds will be combined with funding from the town of Mashpee, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Cape Cod Water Restoration Project and private foundations.
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Weetumuw School Committee is tasked with aiding the school's administration and periodically reviewing the schools educational, financial, and cultural goals and policies. The committee will be comprised of seven members, with each member serving a two-year term.
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for interested Tribal Members to join the Youth Advisory Committee. The committee’s main purpose is to consult with, and provide input to Tribal entities and Tribal individuals who desire such consultation in order to assist them with achieving maximum coordinated benefits for Mashpee tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Old Indian Cemetery Commission will be responsible for creating the cemetery policies, procedures, rules, and regulations to help preserve and maintain the Old Indian Cemetery. The committee will be made up of nine members comprised of the following:
The Housing Commission currently has two (2) open seats to be filled. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The tribe is looking to get the Education Committee back up and running. There are currently five open seats on the committee. The committee will focus on scholarship opportunities and educational programming for tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community Development Corporation (CDC) is currently seeking qualified tribal citizens to join the CDC Board of Directors. The CDC was organized to engage in activities that will promote the social welfare, economic security and community development of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and its enrolled citizens that will enable the Tribe to be self-sufficient and to provide economic support for its tribal citizens.
The Pow Wow Committee is looking for Tribal Members to join the Committee for a 2-year term to plan the 103rd and 104th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.