September Mittark

Senators Markey and Moran Visit Mashpee
As Vernon "Buddy" Pocknett, U.S. Sen. Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts, and state Sen. Susan Moran, D-Falmouth, looked across Punkhorn Point and Ockway Bay, Pocknett said the federal government, the state, Cape Cod towns, and tribal leadership need to collaborate to clean area waters.
Markey and Moran spent time with tribal leadership to address federal funding requests made by the tribe, according to Markey. The meeting helped Markey understand how the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure bill and Inflation Reduction Act funding to the tribe has been used in the last two years.
"You used to be able to come here and get all the flounder you want, dig a couple holes and get a couple steamers. You can't do that anymore," said Pocknett, sagamore for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. "The nitrogen is killing all the fish. It's doing a lot of damage here."
Chairman Weeden was pleased that both lawmakers set aside time to learn how federal and state government impacts the tribe.
"Sen. Markey pointed our during the visit that progress is realized when vision and funding are aligned," said Chairman Weeden. "We share that vision and will work hard to help secure the funding to realize a better future for Cape Cod and our tribal nation."
During the visit, Pocknett expressed his frustration with leadership in towns like Barnstable and Falmouth, who he said haven't moved to help with the buildup of nitrogen in areas that connect to Mashpee. The town of Barnstable, in particular, owns land that connects to Ockway Bay.
Ramona Peters Honored for Land Conservancy

The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts honored tribal elder Ramona Peters last month as the 2023 recipient of the compact's Ansel B. Chaplin Award for Excellence in Open Space Protection. In 2012 she founded the Native Land Conservancy (NLC), the first land trust east of the Mississippi governed by Native Americans. In its first decade, NLC has protected 100+ acres in eastern Massachusetts and acquired three cultural respect easements, enabling safe native access for cultural practices and ceremony on town and land trust properties. Congratulations Ramona!

Calling all dads, uncles, grandfathers, big brothers that are raising our tribal children. The East Door Nurturing Fathers Support Group is here to provide a support group. Raising our tribal children is an awesome responsibility and we need to help by building, sharing, teaching and learning together.
Raising tribal children in a good way is how we grow as a tribal nation and break generational abuse. We’re here to help you be the difference and be the change. The program will be led by our spiritual leader Medicine Man
Earl “Guy” Cash and will be held
at the Tribe’s Community and Government Center.
There are two group sessions - a day and evening session - that will meet. Group one will meet on Tuesdays from noon to 1:30 PM and group two will meet on Thursdays from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
Are you a registered voter in the town of Mashpee? The annual town meeting is taking place on Monday, October 16th at Mashpee High School, and there will be important articles on the town warrant. One being the transfer of ownership of 12 Acres to the tribe for the purposes of establishing a pre-contact Wampanoag homesite.
The Youth Advisory Committee is hosting an information session for tribal youth who may be interested in joining Youth Council. All interested tribal youth and their families are invited to learn about Youth Council from current and past members. Youth council is open to tribal members ages 13-21. This is a great way for tribal youth to get more involved and give back to their community. For more information, please contact mwtyouthadvisory@gmail.com.
The Mashpee Wampanoag ICWA Department will once again host a series of Sacred Parenting workshops. Workshops. Receive $40 for each session you attend and a sacred parenting box with crafting supplies. Classes are held via zoom.
Vineyard Offshore, in partnership with the Bristol Community College Foundation, is pleased to announce a special fund for Wampanoag tribal citizens who are interested in earning a certificate or associate degree in Offshore Wind to pursue a career in this exciting new field. Bristol Community College has several educational pathways for offshore wind education that include full tuition scholarships.
The THPD has hired a new Archivist we are excited to announce the addition to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe's Historic Preservation Department: Welcoming Jacqueline Rider as Professional Archivist
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe's Historic Preservation Department (THPD) is thrilled to announce the newest member of our team, Jacqueline Rider, a distinguished professional archivist with an exceptional track record in information management, user experience strategy, and archival preservation.
This summer, Santuit Pond has been unswimmable for five weeks, according to town officials. But the problem has persisted for decades. Pocknett said, to him, the pond is dead. “You know, for 20-something years, I can't eat fish [from here],” he said. “That's my favorite thing to do, is catch fish.”
Supported by the Mass Assembly 2.0 a virtual gathering of Massachusetts-based Native Artists is taking place on Thursday, September 7th, from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. During this gathering discussions and activities will be held to reflect on the participants experiences as Native artists.
The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts honored tribal elder Ramona Peters last month as the 2023 recipient of the compact's Ansel B. Chaplin Award for Excellence in Open Space Protection. In 2012 she founded the Native Land Conservancy (NLC), the first land trust east of the Mississippi governed by Native Americans. In its first decade, NLC has protected 100+ acres in eastern Massachusetts
This survey aims to learn about people’s understanding of the current Massachusetts state seal and opinions about design features of a future seal. Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Boston are working on this project the Special Commission Relative to the Seal and Motto. We hope you take the time to participate.
Seven years after the Aquinnah Shop Restaurant on Martha’s Vineyard was sold outside the Wampanoag Tribe, a Mashpee-based Native land conservation group has bought the restaurant and surrounding land for $2 million, with plans to return the land in perpetuity to the Aquinnah Wampanoag.
ArtsEmerson welcomes all Indigenous peoples to see We Are the Land in Boston from September 29th – September 30th. We Are The Land is part pageant, part play, where audiences hear directly from Wampanoag people telling Wampanoag stories. All tribal members can use the code KINSHIP at checkout for up to four complimentary tickets to either performance.
The Office for Victims of Crime is organizing an Orange Shirt Day event on Saturday, September 30th at the Mashpee Rotary from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Orange Shirt Day (aka National Day for Truth & Reconciliation), is a day to honor the 150,000 plus victims of American Indian Boarding Schools.
The Southeast Small Business Development Center will host a Lenders Roundtable at the Community and Government Center on Wednesday, September 20th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. This event will share information and match small businesses up with bankers.
The Federal Communications Commission is taking applications for its Affordable Connectivity Program. Those who qualify can save up to $30 a month on their internet bill and up to $75 off if they live in tribal housing.
The annual Ancestors Day celebration will take place on Saturday, September 23rd, from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the Old Indian Meeting House, followed by a putlock at the Community and Government Center. This year’s event will have a special honoring for the late Patricia Turner-Weeden.
The US Veterans Affairs Department will host a veterans clinic on September 21st from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM at the Community and Government Center. The event is open to tribal and non-tribal veterans and will help veterans with VA benefit claims, processing benefit claims, and answering questions about veterans benefits, in a private one-on-one meeting.
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Weetumuw School Committee is tasked with aiding the school's administration and periodically reviewing the schools educational, financial, and cultural goals and policies. The committee will be comprised of seven members, with each member serving a two-year term.
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for interested Tribal Members to join the Youth Advisory Committee. The committee’s main purpose is to consult with, and provide input to Tribal entities and Tribal individuals who desire such consultation in order to assist them with achieving maximum coordinated benefits for Mashpee tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Old Indian Cemetery Commission will be responsible for creating the cemetery policies, procedures, rules, and regulations to help preserve and maintain the Old Indian Cemetery. The committee will be made up of nine members comprised of the following:
The Housing Commission currently has two (2) open seats to be filled. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The tribe is looking to get the Education Committee back up and running. There are currently five open seats on the committee. The committee will focus on scholarship opportunities and educational programming for tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community Development Corporation (CDC) is currently seeking qualified tribal citizens to join the CDC Board of Directors. The CDC was organized to engage in activities that will promote the social welfare, economic security and community development of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and its enrolled citizens that will enable the Tribe to be self-sufficient and to provide economic support for its tribal citizens.
The Pow Wow Committee is looking for Tribal Members to join the Committee for a 2-year term to plan the 103rd and 104th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.