November Mittark

Town Meeting Articles Pass: Town to Transfer Property for Cemetery and Open Door to 12 Acres
The process to transfer more than 13.5 acres from the town to the tribe will begin after Article 10 and Article 12 passed at the Mashpee Town Meeting on Monday, October 16th.
About 594 voters attended town meeting, which began at 7 PM at Mashpee Middle-High School. Throughout town meeting, there was significant debate swirling around wastewater expenditures, Additional Dwelling Units, or ADUs, and the preservation of trees throughout Mashpee. But a significant amount of Mashpee Wampanoag tribal members turned up to support the transfer of four town-owned parcels of land, which equals to roughly 13.63 acres, to Tribal jurisdiction.
While Article 10, which surrounds the expansion of the Old Indian Meetinghouse Cemetery, passed with zero discussion and 455 votes, multiple tribal members stepped to the microphone to discuss Article 12.
The warrant article asked Mashpee residents to transfer three town-owned land parcels 35, 415 and 409 to Tribal jurisdiction. The parcels are at 35 Lake Ave.; 409 Main St.; and 415 Main St. and will make way for the construction of a true replica of a Wampanoag village. Chief Earl Mills Jr. said the passage of Article 12 would be a big win for the tribe, but also a considerable win for the community with the construction of the Wampanoag village.
"The citizens of the town will benefit. This is an educational project, but it's also a reason for people to come into Mashpee and spend their dollars at our local businesses," he said.
First Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Ruling: Tribal Lands Remain in Trust
After more than 40 years of fighting to win back a small piece of tribal land that was stolen from our Tribe, the Mashpee Wampanoag won a significant victory yesterday, as the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that two Massachusetts parcels of land are part of the Tribe’s ancestral homeland and will remain held in trust.
The decision represents the third consecutive victory in federal court for our Tribe, a record that spans eight years.
“It is long past time that our collective communities heal, come together, and move forward,” said Brian Weeden, Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. “For 40 years, we have fought simply to win back a small piece of our land stolen from us generations ago. The courts have now, on three separate occasions, joined the people in simply advocating for the right thing. We hope and expect to move forward with the appropriate recognition we deserve and the right to preserve our culture and traditions on our ancestral homeland.”

“ …In my heart there comes a longing
while I stand in deep reverie…
…Oh! My tribesmen, our traditions
not to forget”
—Sachem Mabel L. Pocknett Avant (NOOkMis), 1892-1964
I heard the Mashpee town selectmen recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” to America before their meeting, singing the words ”justice is for all.” It’s justice for you, not us—the Mashpee Wampanoag people— because we don’t have our land!
Now it’s different that the land is coming back to us as it should be. I am so happy and smiling, All of Mashpee land has spiritual significance to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Our ancestors told the cultural stories on our land. Most of you voted Monday night for land to be given back; that is justice. Thank you forever.
Explore Additional News in this month's Nashauonk Mittark
Residents of East Taunton, Mass. asked the First Circuit Court of Appeals last month to block the federal government's decision to place 321 acres of land into trust for the tribe.
The U.S. District Court of Massachusetts upheld the Interior Department’s 2021 decision, finding the tribe was under federal jurisdiction in 1934, one of the requirements to take land into trust under the Indian Reservation Act. On appeal, the plaintiffs pushed back on that finding.
Election Date:
November 4, 2023
Poll Hours:
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Wampanoag Community and Government Center
Officers Term:
Two Years (January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025)
The 14th annual Native American Thanks Giving, honoring our newest generation of children, will take place at the Old Indian Meeting House on Saturday, November 18th. Tribal citizens along with family and friends from the community are invited to attend.
Below are employment opportunities to work for the tribe. If you are interested in applying, please view the employment application here
The Mashpee Wampanoag ICWA Department will once again host a series of Sacred Parenting workshops. Workshops. Receive $40 for each session you attend and a sacred parenting box with crafting supplies. Classes are held via zoom.
Date: Saturday, November 11
Time: Doors Open at 10am – Grand Entry 1pm
Admission: Included with Purchase of Museum Admission*
All Veterans & Active Military Recieve Free Admission
The National Day of Mourning is taking place on Thursday, November 23, 2023 at Cole's Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, at 12:00 PM sharp. There will be a march through the historic district of Plymouth followed by a community social.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Rod and Gun Club is now hosting a breakfast and trap shoot event on the second Sunday of every month. Breakfast is $12 a plate, and the trap shoot is $20 which includes clays and ammo. Doors open at 8:00 AM. All are welcome to attend.
The Community Health Equity Survey (CHES) aims to help communities address barriers to health. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health will use survey results to improve their programs, make decisions about funding and resources, and support policies to improve health inequities.
The tribe has recently been awarded a Native Teacher Recruitment grant through the U.S Department of Education/Office of Indian Education. The award is for 5 years at $470,000 - $495,000 per year, for the purpose of recruiting Native teachers and supporting the retention of Native teachers within the schools that partner with the Mashpee Wampanoag Education Department.
an Health Service (IHS) is offering an opportunity for student loan repayment to healthcare workers across a broad range of specialties. They began accepting applications for FY 2024 IHS Loan Repayment Program (LRP) on October 1, 2023. The following specialties are eligible for the IHS LRP:
AAA is offering a pilot program where tribal students who complete a AAA Drivers Ed package program will receive a free 1-year Basic AAA membership. Through this program, students will also be able to take their road test at one of five AAA branch locations: North Andover, Rockland, Somerset, Worcester, or West Springfield. Program fees are fully covered by the Mashpee Wampanoag Education Department.
How to test smoke alarms
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends testing your smoke alarms once a month using the test button and changing the batteries twice a year, which can conveniently be done when we change our clocks for daylight saving time in the spring and fall.
What You Should Know about the Holidays
Cooking Safely
Keep an eye on food when cooking.
Holiday Travel
Be weather wise, know the weather forecast during your travel
Learn the weather/climate risks risk for the area you are travel to and know what
Submit artwork that applies to the theme of home & community for the chance to receive national recognition and an award of $300.00. An artist between the ages of 15-24 will also be recognized as the grand prize winner and receive a $1,000.00 award.
TERO & WIOA along with Vinyard Offshore will be co-sponsoring a job fair December 4th at the Tribal Government Center from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Many employers, childcare, gaming truck and childrens activities are available as well as transportation for those who need it.
The Mashpee Wampanoag youth group, Native Environmental Ambassadors (NEA), are looking for interested tribal youth to join. Youth ambassadors must be ages 15-23 and have an interest in advocating for our land and environmental justice. This is a great way to learn more about tribal sovereignty, community outreach, and traditional ways to battle the current climate crisis.
List of Committee and Board Seat Openings
The Weetumuw School Committee is tasked with aiding the school's administration and periodically reviewing the schools educational, financial, and cultural goals and policies. The committee will be comprised of seven members, with each member serving a two-year term.
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for interested Tribal Members to join the Youth Advisory Committee. The committee’s main purpose is to consult with, and provide input to Tribal entities and Tribal individuals who desire such consultation in order to assist them with achieving maximum coordinated benefits for Mashpee tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Old Indian Cemetery Commission will be responsible for creating the cemetery policies, procedures, rules, and regulations to help preserve and maintain the Old Indian Cemetery. The committee will be made up of nine members comprised of the following:
The Housing Commission currently has two (2) open seats to be filled. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The tribe is looking to get the Education Committee back up and running. There are currently five open seats on the committee. The committee will focus on scholarship opportunities and educational programming for tribal youth. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community Development Corporation (CDC) is currently seeking qualified tribal citizens to join the CDC Board of Directors. The CDC was organized to engage in activities that will promote the social welfare, economic security and community development of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and its enrolled citizens that will enable the Tribe to be self-sufficient and to provide economic support for its tribal citizens.
The Pow Wow Committee is looking for Tribal Members to join the Committee for a 2-year term to plan the 103rd and 104th Annual Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send a Letter of Interest (LOI) to Secretary Landry at Talia.Landry@mwtribe-nsn.gov.